Nevada Probation Violations and Revocations Defense
If you have been charged with a probation violation, even for a relatively minor offense, you need experienced representation that can work to help you avoid serious penalties. Courts have significant discretion in handling people accused of failing to follow the terms of their probation. At the office of Edward F. Gonciarz Attorney & Counselor at Law in Henderson, Nevada, I will work to help you get back on your probation and avoid further punishment.
I care about my clients and what happens to them. I know that for many people a change in probation as a result of a violation can impact your family, your employment and your future. I work to help you avoid those kinds of life-changing results.
Working to put You Back on Plan
Probation provides individuals a pathway to leniency, and requires that you follow certain rules in order to avoid jail time or a prison sentence. Particularly for people without a substantial history of criminal activity, it is a way to get yourself back into good and lawful standing without serving a jail sentence that can permanently and negatively impact your life.
Probation, however, can carry numerous terms and requirements, such as:
- Not being allowed to drink alcohol
- Having to attend certain classes or treatment
- Community service
- Not being allowed to drive
- Prohibition against leaving the state
- Being required to report to an officer
If you fail to perform even some of the tasks required, you can suddenly be facing that jail, prison or suspended sentence that had been set aside. Even if you have an entirely valid reason for breaking the terms of a probation, it is absolutely critical to work with a criminal defense lawyer that can help you make your case.
Whether you are on probation for a drug charge, a domestic violence arrest or other criminal matter, my office can work with you to present your side of the story. Judges have a lot of flexibility in making decisions, and if you can show, for example, that you have faithfully followed your probation terms for a number of years, then we may be able to convince the court that you deserve another chance to prove yourself.
Talk to an Attorney Today
If you have been accused of a probation violation or you are facing a probation revocation, you need a legal partner on your side with a proven record and commitment to your case. I have been practicing law for more than 20 years, and I will stand by your side every step of the way.
Call 702-997-8030 or contact my office online to schedule a free consultation.